Monday, February 23, 2009

Anyone need a 2 year old for the night?

I just witnessed the funniest thing that has happened all week. (Yeah, I know it's monday.)  Jack is a little upset today, I had to wake him up to go pick up Riley from school and yesterday he had a really late nap and so he didn't go to sleep when he was supposed to.  In fact, he didn't fall asleep until 1:00 this morning!!!  You read that right.  Trust me I tried everything.  I tried letting him cry, I tried stories, I tried singing, I tried letting watch a movie with his blanket, he just wasn't having it.  (He is in a big bed now, not his crib... started jumping out.)  Bed time has turned into a living hell, and last night it was really bad.  How do you force a kid to sleep?  So, back to my story...  today he started throwing a fit, which I try to ignore as to not encourage it... in the middle of said fit he picked up a bowl and chucked it across the room.  (That's not the funny part.)  I'm just trying to brush it off, "oh, that's too bad we have to throw away your bowl..."  Then the spoon of course, a car, dish towel, now he's mad that I'm not responding and starts to grab for more ammo, screaming all the while, grabs onto a baggie full of lucky charms cereal, cocks it ready to hurl it into kingdom come, notices what it is, stops crying, tucks it under his arm like a football and runs downstairs to snack on with his buddies Diego and Baby Jaguar without another peep.  I know that laughing at your children's outbursts is usually not a good idea, but really, how could you not?  I think sleep deprivation is in my future until we can get him to stay in his bed.  Any suggestions? Maybe this was just so funny to me because I didn't sleep either!


Allison said...

THAT is hilarious!!!

Jodi said...

Ha Ha! Love it. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. Just goes to show they know what they are doing, even when they are upset. Little stinker!

Adam and Wendy said...

To keep our kids in their room we used a bungee cord attached to the doorknobs and vent across the hallway. :) That worked good until they got strong enough to pry the door open and squeeze out. By that time they learned that they had plenty of stuff in their room to keep them quiet - even if it wasn't going to sleep right away.