Thursday, May 29, 2008

Great News... just not mine

Well, last night I got a phone call from my dad.  He said I had a new sister-in-law.  I was not quite feeling great and for a minute, I thought, who was pregnant?  I then realized that that's not how you get a sister-in-law.  So last weekend Chris and Christine went to Vegas and were married on Saturday.  I feel a little sorry for Christine, but Chris totally scored.  (Just kidding Chris.)  Then I find out that someone was pregnant... Christine.  She is due on Christmas Day.  (A lot of Chris' there... Chris, Christine, Christmas...) Anyway, it makes so much more sense to me now that Chris was looking at our nursery last time he was here!  I just know the jerks will have a girl... It's so not fair.  I am really excited thought, they will both be great parents. Congrats!!  We are so happy for you.  Love ya!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Holy Crap!  I'm sure I was the last person on the planet to read this book, but if you by some chance have eluded the Twilight, you must simply give in.  I bought it yesterday morning, but didn't really start until 10:00 last night.  I thought I would just read a little bit to see what it was like.  Yeah, no.  I was up until 4:30 this morning.  I absolutely could not put it down.  I know part of it was my OCD kicking in, but it was just not what I was expecting.  I did make one mistake, I read the preview to book 2... and I don't actually have book 2 yet.  I guess you know where I'm going as soon as I'm done here.  Does anyone want to volunteer to watch my kids, eat and pee for me so I can read?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ah, Little Boys

Some days as a Mother are better than others.  I think a lot depends on how long my fuse happens to be that day.  The longer the fuse, the more little things I take time to notice and appreciate, which in turn, I think the rest of the family appreciates as well.  Yesterday on the way to take Riley to school I was privy to a great random conversation.  I was asking Riley the regular questions of do you have your backpack, your lunch, yes, it's a short day, etc..  All of a sudden Parker asks "Why doesn't Patrick have a nose?" Riley's comment was of course, "uh, because he's a star fish!"  So Parker in his most inquisitive almost 5 years old voice replied, "but sponges don't have noses either.  Do octopuses have noses?"  And then for the remainder of the ride they had a great discussion about which sea creatures actually have noses and which don't.  I was pretty impressed that there was no yelling involved.  Which is kind of unusual for a ride to school, let alone a discussion of that nature.  
Later that night Jackson took the controller for a boat into the backyard where there happen to be a moth/flying bug with wings and he started moving the control knobs.  He got so excited when the moth started moving around that I swear he thought he was controlling the moth with the remote.  Then of course he thought that it might be best if he just tried to eat the remote.  But the best part of the day was being greeted by these flowers that the boys picked.  Some days are just better than others.

Just a little side note about one of my boys... Parker is currently writing a song titled "Gotta Aim My Pee."  It's a #1 best seller for sure... No pun intended. 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alta Concert

Last night we went to a concert at Alta High School.  Rob's dad is retiring this year and his is one of his last concerts. (He's been the choir director for 21 years at Alta.) We were a little worried if Riley and Parker would be able to sit there the whole time, but as you can tell, Parker did just fine.  In fact, I'm guessing he was the most well behaved kid there.   It will be nice to have Stephen home for the holidays instead of always out doing concerts.  We're excited for you to finally have some puttering time.  Congrats & we love you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Magic of the Universe

Ok, so right now I love the universe.  I only recently started blogging... and becoming addicted to others blogs as well.  I remembered one of my favorite peoples blog site (definitely my favorite boss, sorry Chris.)  I started reading it just to see what was going on with her.  I was reading her blog (which is a GREAT blog) about a time she threw up because she thought bren farted and was thinking I can totally hear her telling this story.  (She and Kelly D are both such great story tellers.) I was just missing her.  Then as I was getting ready to actually do something around the house I noticed that she posted a comment on my blog and wanted my email.  I don't know how she found me, but as always, I'm glad she did.  So Kelly, I miss you damn it and you better e-mail me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rites of Passage

This may not seem like a big deal, but Riley helped Rob mow the lawn for the first time yesterday.  He really is getting older.  I guess that's better than the alternative.  It just seems as if so much is changing so quickly.  He's only in kindergarten, but he is so independent in so many ways.  There is so much that he is so determined to do, I guess I should be grateful that he still lets me give him a kiss goodbye in public.  I'm sure that will be coming soon too.  I only wish I had a better memory.  I feel like there is so many details that I have forgotten and so many more that I forget to notice.  

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Bottle

So, this is just a guess, but I think I might have a hard time breaking this kid from his bottle.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Retard That I Am

Holy crap I am a totally defunct photographer!  Right now I am totally ashamed to say that I ever worked at a studio... and the studio probably is too.  I totally wasn't thinking about them being squirmy little kids when I was taking these photo's as you can witness by the blurry Jackson in the back.  I full on admit to being temporarily stupid for the day.  Sorry Davy, Michelle and all our kids.  Anyway, here are the best of the bad photo's, we'll see what Davy can do with them... 

Friday, May 2, 2008

Does Betty Crocker Have Kids?

Does Betty Crocker have kids?  I don't think so.  How in the hell would she ever have time to make all that crap if she did?  Well, at the very least, she must not let them help in the kitchen.  Wednesday night was Rob's last final (for this semester), so we decides to surprise him with Riley and Parkers first cake from scratch.  I'm not sure which was the fatal error: the milk and flour that were supposed to be in the bowl, that in fact ended up on the floor, counter tops and the boys; or the fact that it mixed for about 15 minutes too long (because we kept having the' it's my turn to put it in' argument).  
The edges turned out all right, but the center was 
about 2 inches too low.  We of course did our best 
to make it look like we totally did it on purpose.  
"We were going for that layered look to really 
frame in the center of the cake."

However it looked Jackson totally didn't care.  All that really matters is that there was frosting on it.  I'm thinking that picking frosting off of cakes must be a genetic trait.  

He just started in one spot and started going around the edges.  Of course every once in a while he would pause to see who knew what he was up to.

Did anyone see me do that?  Why aren't they stopping me?