Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Magic of the Universe

Ok, so right now I love the universe.  I only recently started blogging... and becoming addicted to others blogs as well.  I remembered one of my favorite peoples blog site (definitely my favorite boss, sorry Chris.)  I started reading it just to see what was going on with her.  I was reading her blog (which is a GREAT blog) about a time she threw up because she thought bren farted and was thinking I can totally hear her telling this story.  (She and Kelly D are both such great story tellers.) I was just missing her.  Then as I was getting ready to actually do something around the house I noticed that she posted a comment on my blog and wanted my email.  I don't know how she found me, but as always, I'm glad she did.  So Kelly, I miss you damn it and you better e-mail me.

1 comment:

kelly said...

I thought it was magical when I found your blog, too. I e-mailed you. Now e-mail me back, damnit.