Friday, May 2, 2008

Does Betty Crocker Have Kids?

Does Betty Crocker have kids?  I don't think so.  How in the hell would she ever have time to make all that crap if she did?  Well, at the very least, she must not let them help in the kitchen.  Wednesday night was Rob's last final (for this semester), so we decides to surprise him with Riley and Parkers first cake from scratch.  I'm not sure which was the fatal error: the milk and flour that were supposed to be in the bowl, that in fact ended up on the floor, counter tops and the boys; or the fact that it mixed for about 15 minutes too long (because we kept having the' it's my turn to put it in' argument).  
The edges turned out all right, but the center was 
about 2 inches too low.  We of course did our best 
to make it look like we totally did it on purpose.  
"We were going for that layered look to really 
frame in the center of the cake."

However it looked Jackson totally didn't care.  All that really matters is that there was frosting on it.  I'm thinking that picking frosting off of cakes must be a genetic trait.  

He just started in one spot and started going around the edges.  Of course every once in a while he would pause to see who knew what he was up to.

Did anyone see me do that?  Why aren't they stopping me?


Jodi said...
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Jodi said...

Hey I recognize that kitchen, but I really want to see pictures of the finished product. The cake looked just fine. What a little decoration can't hide, right. Don't you have a history with a bakery somewhere? ;)