Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ah, Little Boys

Some days as a Mother are better than others.  I think a lot depends on how long my fuse happens to be that day.  The longer the fuse, the more little things I take time to notice and appreciate, which in turn, I think the rest of the family appreciates as well.  Yesterday on the way to take Riley to school I was privy to a great random conversation.  I was asking Riley the regular questions of do you have your backpack, your lunch, yes, it's a short day, etc..  All of a sudden Parker asks "Why doesn't Patrick have a nose?" Riley's comment was of course, "uh, because he's a star fish!"  So Parker in his most inquisitive almost 5 years old voice replied, "but sponges don't have noses either.  Do octopuses have noses?"  And then for the remainder of the ride they had a great discussion about which sea creatures actually have noses and which don't.  I was pretty impressed that there was no yelling involved.  Which is kind of unusual for a ride to school, let alone a discussion of that nature.  
Later that night Jackson took the controller for a boat into the backyard where there happen to be a moth/flying bug with wings and he started moving the control knobs.  He got so excited when the moth started moving around that I swear he thought he was controlling the moth with the remote.  Then of course he thought that it might be best if he just tried to eat the remote.  But the best part of the day was being greeted by these flowers that the boys picked.  Some days are just better than others.

Just a little side note about one of my boys... Parker is currently writing a song titled "Gotta Aim My Pee."  It's a #1 best seller for sure... No pun intended. 

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh, that made me actually laugh out loud! Your boys are so cute! Love that cute Jack got so excited about a moth. Don't you just want to be inside their heads sometimes? Not always, just sometimes.