Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am EXTREMELY happy! Today I was getting ready to go and just turned my camera on and it actually turned on... and worked! So, no more flash back blogging for me for a bit.
Then we went to Kelly's house and went slip n' sliding. Watching Parker try to slip n' slide will put a smile on anyone's face. This is one of the less painful attempts.

Usually he looked like a plane crash about 5 feet before he got to the slide. I finally had to just lay him down on his belly and push him down the slide. But check out this cute kid...
Plus, while I was there Kelly told me how to make this chicken, which will be my very first food blog... which is fitting, because it's my very first grown up meal to make as well...

Stuffed Chicken

First, pick ANYTHING you have to stuff it with. I happen to have broccoli and cheese...

Pound the meat until nice and big and flat (sorry, I guess I didn't take a pic of that.) Put stuffing's and seasonings (I just used salt & pepper) on top...

Roll up and tie or use tooth pic's. (I've heard you pliers might be involved if you use tooth pic's, so we just tied them.)

Brown them on the stove and then pop it in the oven for about 15 minutes.... Walla. Stuffed Chicken.

Freaking good stuff. Even the boys ate it. Next time I might try pineapple and ham.

Thanks Kelly for the adult meal... Rob even said thanks for cooking out loud.


Jodi said...

That chicken looks so good. I'm going to have to try it. And yes that little boy of yours IS so cute!

Allison said...

Yummers!!! That looks so good! I love grown up food! Gosh I wish we lived closer and you could cook for my husband since I've been out of it for quite some time. Way to go!